Friday, March 9, 2012

Night Photography - Black and White Style

I went a little black and white crazy today when I was looking at my night shooting pictures (finally -- I am so behind!). I love these images of my tiny little town.

The funny thing is.. when I was a teenager, I hated living in such a small town. (Really, we aren't THAT small. 10,000+ people.)
But now, I love it here. I love that I can always find a parking space, that traffic is getting caught behind a semi, and that the people here are nice (mostly).

Besides, who needs big towns and cities when you have such pretty places like this? (15 sec. , f/1.8, ISO 100)

Or like this... (4 sec. , f/1.5.6, ISO 100)

Or places that look dark and mysterious... (1 sec., f/1.8, ISO 100)

Or places that are pretty much dead at 10:30 pm on a Saturday night...? (1/10 sec. , f/1.8, ISO 400)


Some things I learned in this little project:

  1. I need a tripod. One of my facebook friends let me borrow one, but I have yet to use it. Maybe tonight since I can stay up late??

  2. Long shutter speeds mean low ISO.
    Luckily, my little rebel handles ISO pretty well. I love that little camera.
    I should name it.

  3. I need to play around with perspective. Once I set my camera on the ground for  that shot above, I fell in love with the perspective. Need to try different perspectives.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go play with my camera.

Have a great weekend!

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