Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Dakota, thank you for curling up with me and watching Jack and Jill, no matter if you were feeling too sick to go do other things. Dear Truck, thank you for not doing that not-wanting-

to-start-thing. I guess that talking-to I gave you helped. Keep it up. Dear brother-in-law, please stop eating my cereal. when you pay rent I might share my cocoa pebbles. Until then, you are

eating my primary source of food. Stop it. Dear Abigail, I'm sorry that your birthday wasn't the best ever, but I am glad your truck is getting fixed! Dear Brother, I miss you more every day.

I can't wait for the news if you are being stationed here! And I can't wait until you come to visit in October, too! Dear Weekly Review, I am looking forward to you tomorrow. Nothing I like

more than to scratch 3 things off my to-do list and add 50 more. Dear Scooter, Please stop meowing at me at 4:30 AM. I am aware I don't wake up that early anymore. I don't need you as my

alarm clock. Especially since what you want is for me to lay out Dakota's blanket. He's not the one who wakes up for you. I am. I will lock you out next time. Dear Friday Night, why are you taking so long to get here?! Dakota's off and I want to drink! Hurry it up, bro.Dear Microsoft, please program a way for me to put two spreadsheets on my seperate monitors. I really hate having to switch back and forth. It's annoying.

Lots of love,

Jessica <3


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